如果你的互联网连接没有受到审查,你应考虑安装 Snowflake 扩展,以帮助受审查网络中的用户。 When you run Snowflake on your regular browser, you will proxy traffic between censored users and an entry node in the Tor network, and that's all.

Due to censorship of VPN servers in some countries, we kindly ask you to not run a snowflake proxy while connected to a VPN.


首先确认你已启用 WebRTC。 Then you can install this extension for Firefox or the extension for Chrome which will let you become a Snowflake proxy. 它还可以显示,在过去 24 小时内你帮助了多少人。


在启用 WebRTC 的浏览器中: 如果不想在浏览器中添加 Snowflake,你可以访问 https://snowflake.torproject.org/embed ,并点击按钮以选择成为代理。 如果想要继续运行 Snowflake 代理,请勿关闭那个页面。