使用 Tor 浏览器有时会比其他浏览器慢。 Tor 网络的每日用户已超过一百万,并且只有 6000 多个中继来路由所有流量,所以每个服务器承担的负载有时会造成延迟。此外,你的流量是有意地在世界各地志愿者的服务器进行传输,堵塞和延迟在所难免。 你可以通过运行自己的中继或鼓励他人这样做来帮助提高网络速度。 For the much more in-depth answer, see Roger's blog post on the topic and Tor's Open Research Topics: 2018 edition about Network Performance. You can also checkout our recent blog post Tor Network Defense Against Ongoing Attacks, which discusses the Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on the Tor Network. Furthermore, we have introduced a Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services to help mitigate some of these attacks. 尽管如此, Tor 比以前快的多了,你未必注意到它的速度与其它浏览器有差别。